Hi! I am Shrutika Lokapure and this is my website! Here you can check out my profile to view my activities!!



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Meet Me

In 18 years of experience as a young girl , I have excelled at academics at school and high school. Currently, I am in my undergraduate studies in the pure sciences at IISER, Pune, India. Also, I have contributed to numerous organisations by volunteering for various works. I am always open to new possibilities and grasp every opportunity that comes my way, be it learning or volunteering !

Know me

My skills and specialities include reading, writing, anchoring, public speaking, crafting, blogging and photography. I am hard working and like to Make Things Happen. That is precisely why I love to volunteer and organize various events. Will you join me for various collaborative and volunteering works?

Follow Me

My portfolio showcases various personal and volunteering projects along with various achievements that I have achieved till date. Click on the icons above to explore more about my works. And in case you wish to leave any message you can notify me as mentioned below.

About Me

I am a 2nd year BS-MS (Bachelor of science- Master of Science) student currently studying at the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (IISER) Pune, Maharashtra, India.

I am a fun- loving person who loves to explore her life. I dare to dream big and I’m always willing to go the extra mile to make my dreams come true! I enjoy learning new things and I try to find happiness in the smallest nooks of my learning process.

I am passionate about making human connections and associating with people. My crazy and free-spirited nature helps me to connect with people with utmost ease. I am an extrovert and a caring girl who is aided with greater EQ than IQ.

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Shrutika Lokapure shrutikalokapure@gmail.com
IISER Pune Campus
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Ward No. 8
NCL Colony, Pashan
Pune, Maharashtra 411008